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Here are the names of the winners in the Dethkarz Dethladder contest. We'll be sending out emails to all those on this list with further information soon...

Thanks for participating in the contest and making it such a success ... and also big thanks to Metabyte for providing the awesome Wicked3D™ Voodoo2 cards and the WickedVision™ H3D Eyewear System as prizes!

Contestant League Number Prize
1/2 Life 1 Dethkarz bundle
Dia 1 Dethkarz bundle
Geofat 1 Dethkarz bundle
KSCN 1 Dethkarz bundle
PloPiuM 1 Dethkarz bundle
Quakesten 1 Dethkarz bundle
SCSI 1 Metabyte bundle
SKOD SPIL 1 Dethkarz bundle
TheIronFist 1 Dethkarz bundle
Tomatkiller 1 Dethkarz bundle
Anag 10 2 Dethkarz bundle
Crippler 2 Dethkarz bundle
DIABLO 2 Dethkarz bundle
Kilgarian 2 Metabyte bundle
Micha 2 Dethkarz bundle
Moy Boy 2 Dethkarz bundle
Mr. Sparkle 2 Dethkarz bundle
NutNut 2 Dethkarz bundle
Papacap 2 Dethkarz bundle
Vincentz 2 Dethkarz bundle
Arvy 3 Dethkarz bundle
Dirty 3 Dethkarz bundle
Exertion 3 Dethkarz bundle
Ice 3 Dethkarz bundle
Orcafire 3 Dethkarz bundle
Samman99 3 Dethkarz bundle
Sp8z 3 Dethkarz bundle
Spoon 3 Metabyte bundle
ViperGG 3 Dethkarz bundle
Zit 3 Dethkarz bundle

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